Tennis lessons are conducted in a modern and progressive environment with children as young as four or five starting in specialised programs like Hot Shots. Andrew Peake is the Head Coach and will place you in the right lesson to suit your requirements. Lessons are designed in stages from Red Ball, Orange Ball, Green Ball, then finally the standard Yellow Ball.
The earlier stages in lessons offered use modified equipment, balls and racquets. Whether you need to refresh your serve, improve your tactics or just gain some extra fitness there is a lesson that will suit. Coaches are extremely adaptable and will work with each player individually to get the best result for you or your child. Tournament preparation and training is also available.
Lessons held by Top Tennis include:
- Group (Hot Shots, Juniors, Teens and Adults)
- Squads (Green and Yellow Ball)
- Privates & Semi Privates
- For more detailed information on each particular class type please visit the Coaching Programs page.
See a snapshot of the current coaching timetable (some class times may vary and students are always placed into a lesson accordingly) and all private lessons are by appointment only :

Contact - Andrew Peake 0412 225 792 - Email: mtcarmeltennis@hotmail.com - Facebook Page: Mt Carmel Tennis, Sunbury